Astute: (adj.) having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever.
By Wednesday, I did not know what I had gotten myself into. In one class alone, I had four students fill out a discipline form, and I sent one student to the principal's office. And that was only one of my classes! In another class, I sent one more student to the principal's office. One of my coworkers had said that the honeymoon period is over; the students will be pushing us as teachers to see how much they can get away with. I'm happy to report that I think I have held firm with my expectations. I wasn't sure what Friday would be like with the students I had disciplined (since we only meet every other day), but I had one of the best days so far. Both students who were sent to the office were unbelievably great on Friday. They both answered my questions and were fully participating. I never said their names due to a behavior issue. One even helped another student- so much so that they asked if they could sit next to each other so that this could be a regular occurrence (I regretfully didn't even know that they changed seats- I need to learn names fast!). I've had my ups and downs. I know I will have more. But I hope that the ups will always overpower the downs.
I was talking with a friend about how Calvin has prepared us for our own unique journeys. I had said that teaching felt natural, but I was nervous about the first two weeks and setting up my own classroom rules and enforcing them. She wisely said, "That's good that it is natural. It is those kinds of teachers that are most effective. The first couple weeks of anything are difficult, but the accomplishments resulting from that time are often worth it." I want to cherish those astute words: The first couple weeks of anything are difficult, but the accomplishments resulting from that time are often worth it. Never, never give up, because everything will be difficult; but the resulting accomplishments will be that much sweeter.
Humor of the Week:
This is what happens when you don't tell kids what to do. I usually say, "Numbers one through ten go put your books away," and so on. But during my second period, I did not have enough time to do so. I just said, "Put your books away." This happened:
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
My First Week
"Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself." -John Dewey
I can hardly put words to what this week was like. But I survived! The first day was Tuesday, and it went really well. As I walked down the hallway, students in class, I thought to myself that having the students around was invigorating. Wednesday was similar to the first since we are on an A/B schedule and I was only meeting more and more students. One big event that happened on Wednesday was that a couple students in the hallway distracted my students. I was quite disappointed and stormed out of my room to stop the students (my students were doing group work), and I gave them a stern talking to. I was a force to be reckoned with. Even the teachers in the hallway were scared of me, as they told me later; I guess my point got across. No one is gonna mess with me (at least I hope that is the outcome). Then Thursday was a big ordeal in one of my classes, but for respect of my students I am not going to share details. And Friday , I followed up with the Thursday situation. My weekly count: I took away two cell phones and talked to four students about their language. Despite more behavior problems in one week than my semester of student teaching, I still love what I am doing. I accepted this job knowing that I would need to focus on my efforts in classroom management. Two people, the math dept head and the instructional coach, have been supportive and have reassured me that I am doing a good job. It has only been one week and I feel that I have made leaps and bounds in my goal of improving my classroom management.
I can hardly put words to what this week was like. But I survived! The first day was Tuesday, and it went really well. As I walked down the hallway, students in class, I thought to myself that having the students around was invigorating. Wednesday was similar to the first since we are on an A/B schedule and I was only meeting more and more students. One big event that happened on Wednesday was that a couple students in the hallway distracted my students. I was quite disappointed and stormed out of my room to stop the students (my students were doing group work), and I gave them a stern talking to. I was a force to be reckoned with. Even the teachers in the hallway were scared of me, as they told me later; I guess my point got across. No one is gonna mess with me (at least I hope that is the outcome). Then Thursday was a big ordeal in one of my classes, but for respect of my students I am not going to share details. And Friday , I followed up with the Thursday situation. My weekly count: I took away two cell phones and talked to four students about their language. Despite more behavior problems in one week than my semester of student teaching, I still love what I am doing. I accepted this job knowing that I would need to focus on my efforts in classroom management. Two people, the math dept head and the instructional coach, have been supportive and have reassured me that I am doing a good job. It has only been one week and I feel that I have made leaps and bounds in my goal of improving my classroom management.
Monday, August 18, 2014
It's not your eyes; you are seeing red!
As you are standing in my doorway, you would see the picture on the right. I have a smart board on the left and a whiteboard on the right. The door in between leads out to the soccer field. In the front left corner, I have a little nook for my desk.
Pictures of my classroom decor!
Posters that I made which are inspired from pinterest. Here and here. |
Classroom rules inspired from Math=Love blog |
My favorite decoration in the whole room. Again, inspired by pinterest. Here is the link. |
So excited for this exit ticket. Students will take sticky notes and answer a question before they leave class. |
The container I made for the golf pencils in case students forget a pencil. |
There's not much more to it. School starts on Tomorrow. My classroom is ready. Let's hope I am ready! I know that managing my classroom will be hard with no door and walls you can hear through, but the challenge will only make me better at managing the class. When I have a door someday, I'll think classroom management is a piece of cake!
Also, one thing that I think is hilarious is that there is a joke among the staff and faculty that if you boast about having a door, your door might be taken away. And in our emergency procedures, one step says to close your door (if you have one). Good times shall be had!
It'll be a good year. I have a great staff and a supportive administration, and I'm excited to help some kids! It's go time!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Welcome to My Home!
Things are starting to come together up here in Ogden! I moved on Friday with the help of five great friends, signed my first lease, started to unpack, went on a hike, and built my dresser (On my own, I might add! We'll ignore the fact that one of the drawers may be a little lopsided and I don't know why.).
I'm living with another girl, which is an answer to prayer. I didn't want to live on my own; I like people. I found out that she was looking for a roommate through word of mouth. Long story short, I was told by someone I met twice to talk to someone on the phone who knows someone who knows my roommate.
Without further ado, let me give you the tour!
This is my room in the townhouse. As you walk into my room, you would see that I have my bed on one side and a sitting area on the other. Sorry for the bright light from the window- with the time of day, I could not manage a better picture.

When you look to the left, you see my closets and my beautiful, exquisite, hand-built dresser! Alright, alright, it is from Walmart. But I still have pride in the fact that I put it together.
I'm living with another girl, which is an answer to prayer. I didn't want to live on my own; I like people. I found out that she was looking for a roommate through word of mouth. Long story short, I was told by someone I met twice to talk to someone on the phone who knows someone who knows my roommate.
Without further ado, let me give you the tour!
This is my room in the townhouse. As you walk into my room, you would see that I have my bed on one side and a sitting area on the other. Sorry for the bright light from the window- with the time of day, I could not manage a better picture.
When you look to the left, you see my closets and my beautiful, exquisite, hand-built dresser! Alright, alright, it is from Walmart. But I still have pride in the fact that I put it together.
Although, I must admit that I could not have built the dresser without the encouragement from the instructions. They told me, "Don't worry. It isn't Rome. This can be built in a day." and "Pro Tip: Lift with your legs. And, you know, your arms." This is what I have to say to that: whoever wrote these instructions was probably extremely bored and not wanting the task of writing them. But I do like their humor (Yes, VandeKopple, I know I wrote "their" with a singular subject.).
Then when you turn around, you would see my desk, chair, and bookshelf. My walls are a little plain, but pictures and a cork board will go up on the wall soon.
I hope you enjoyed your virtual tour of my home. If you want the full deal, I guess you will just have to come visit me! Also, if you would like my new address and email (no longer using my one), then let me know via phone or facebook, and I will give them to you.
A Couple Prayer Requests:
1. I am extremely nervous for my first days of school. I'm trying to hide it from myself so that maybe I will believe that I am not scared. I was joking with a friend that we wished that another teacher could teach the first two weeks, then we would take over (aka: how student teaching starts). But it's scary. I know I am prepared, but I feel like I have a million things still to do. I just wish I had a check list of "Everything a first year teacher needs to think about before the first day of school." I don't have too much time now- first teacher meetings are tomorrow and school starts on the 19th.
2. Praise that my previous prayer requests were answered. I have a roommate and a place to live. I was beginning to think that I would be living in an apartment by myself, but then that crazy connection happened.
Next time on Infinite Possibilities: Tour of my classroom, and, yes, there is red carpet and no door!
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