Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sweeter Accomplishments

Astute: (adj.) having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever.

By Wednesday, I did not know what I had gotten myself into. In one class alone, I had four students fill out a discipline form, and  I sent one student to the principal's office. And that was only one of my classes! In another class, I sent one more student to the principal's office. One of my coworkers had said that the honeymoon period is over; the students will be pushing us as teachers to see how much they can get away with. I'm happy to report that I think I have held firm with my expectations. I wasn't sure what Friday would be like with the students I had disciplined (since we only meet every other day), but I had one of the best days so far. Both students who were sent to the office were unbelievably great on Friday. They both answered my questions and were fully participating. I never said their names due to a behavior issue. One even helped another student- so much so that they asked if they could sit next to each other so that this could be a regular occurrence (I regretfully didn't even know that they changed seats- I need to learn names fast!). I've had my ups and downs. I know I will have more. But I hope that the ups will always overpower the downs.

I was talking with a friend about how Calvin has prepared us for our own unique journeys. I had said that teaching felt natural, but I was nervous about the first two weeks and setting up my own classroom rules and enforcing them. She wisely said, "That's good that it is natural. It is those kinds of teachers that are most effective. The first couple weeks of anything are difficult, but the accomplishments resulting from that time are often worth it." I want to cherish those astute words: The first couple weeks of anything are difficult, but the accomplishments resulting from that time are often worth it. Never, never give up, because everything will be difficult; but the resulting accomplishments will be that much sweeter.

Humor of the Week:
This is what happens when you don't tell kids what to do. I usually say, "Numbers one through ten go put your books away," and so on. But during my second period, I did not have enough time to do so. I just said, "Put your books away." This happened:

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